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Szabo & Associates Solicitors is a small and dynamic firm with extensive experience in providing legal services to the Sydney area and greater New South Wales.

Another Estate, Another Challenge…

Another Estate, Another Challenge…

No one would welcome the news that the last Will and testament of a loved one is being challenged. The unfortunate reality for many is that the contesting of Wills is becoming increasingly common, as more people allege that they were due to inherit more or that there is something inherently wrong with how a Will is worded. These disputes can have a damaging impact on family and friends, and this has been shown very recently in the dispute in the UK over the estate of Michael Winner (reported here).

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  1794 Hits
1794 Hits

DIY Wills and their Dangers

DIY Wills and their Dangers

The rise in popularity of DIY Wills is due in large part to the belief that they are ideally suited to avoiding significant legal fees for what appears or be a relatively simple job: the creation of a Will. While there is no doubt that the idea of a DIY or ‘homemade’ Will is attractive – a readily available commercial document that adequately narrates your intentions for your estate when you pass away – the reality is often quite different.

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  1719 Hits
1719 Hits

Stamp Duty Exemptions in Family Law Settlements

Stamp Duty Exemptions in Family Law Settlements

Ordinarily, when a person purchases a piece of real estate, they are liable to pay stamp duty on that purchase.

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  2062 Hits
2062 Hits

A Divorce Wish List.. Are You Kidding?

A Divorce Wish List.. Are You Kidding?

It was recently reported (available here) that a Melbourne millionaire has demanded a $10 million payment from her husband as part of a $120 million divorce battle, as a down payment for her to purchase a ‘suitable’ new home for both her and her children.

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  2178 Hits
2178 Hits

It's all in the details: the business of writing your Will

It's all in the details: the business of writing your Will

The reality is that when it comes to thinking about Wills and planning for a time when we are no longer around, a significant number of people can (understandably) fall into one of two camps: (i) some can think that thinking about planning for death is morbid and unnecessary, and should only be considered later in life; or (ii) drafting a Will is a simple process that doesn’t demand any great deal of attention or commitment. It is true that many people find the idea of thinking about what is to happen after they die to be unpalatable and would rather delay considering it until it became necessary. Further, a significant number of the population do believe that there isn’t any great challenge in creating a Will.

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  1452 Hits
1452 Hits
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