It is a common misconception that only those who are wealthy in terms of monetary and physical assets, as well as those of an older age, are required to have wills. If you are over the age of 18 and wish to have control over what happens to your estate (i.e. everything you own) in the unlikely event of your death, preparing a will is crucial for ensuring that your voice is heard.

Here are some of the reasons you should consider writing a will:

If you are planning a trip abroad…

According to new research conducted by, more than 1,600 Australian travellers died overseas last year. The alarming findings explained that those of a younger age are more likely to go on adventurous holidays and engage in high-risk activities. It is, therefore, vital that young people make the necessary arrangements before travelling.

If you have joined or are planning to join the military…

Working for the military is a dangerous and unpredictable job. By ensuring that your affairs are in order before you go away on service, you and your family will be granted peace of mind about the future.

If you are active on social media…

In addition to your personal belongings (e.g. your mobile phone, laptop, car or pets), a will can also include your digital assets; such as your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. In the event of your death, you will be able to leave instructions to your family members and friends on how to manage your social media accounts, as well as any photos or documents you have stored on these digital platforms.

Contact Us

Szabo & Associates, Solicitors can offer expert advice on a wide range of legal matters, including contesting, making or updating a Will and preparing a Power of Attorney. Please call George Szabo on (02) 9262 1021 or fill in our online contact form.