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Collaborative Law on the Rise in Australia

More people than ever are choosing to divorce and settle family disputes outside of court according to a family law expert.

Lawyers Weekly reported that there has been a marked increase in the number of cases in Australia being settled through Collaborative Law, which many see as the best option to separate as amicably as possible without the court.

What is Collaborative Law and how is it Beneficial?

Under Collaborative law, all parties involved in the breakdown of a relationship attempt to reach an agreement outside of court rather than going through the legal process. Such resolutions allow those in the relationship to divide their assets in a way that suits both parties, rather than a court mandate that often results in an outcome that suits neither.

Collaborative law can also cost significantly less than going through traditional channels and can allow both parties to resolve their issues in a much quicker fashion.

Under Collaborative Law, vital decisions can be made for interim periods, such as the care of children, and urgent property and financial issues. Following this, solicitors for both sides can openly discuss how to compromise and resolve any outstanding issues.

The process is seen by many as even more effective as mediation as formal mediation can occasionally require making major decisions on the day with very little to discuss things with a lawyer. This can result in no agreement and the case being taken to court.

Contact Us

If you require legal advice regarding collaborative law or mediation, our team of family experts can help. Will Collaborative Law can be effective, it is not the best situation for everyone, therefore, if you require advice regarding a divorce or separation, contact us today using our online contact form.



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